We’re called to love what God loves. We long to be agents of God’s blessing to our friends, our neighbors and our world. This means being hungry for God to heal what’s broken, to move beyond what’s comfortable, and to have eyes to see where God is already at work.
The missions we support are…
Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a Christian mission sending agency with a heart for Africa’s peoples. We have our roots in a small band of faithful men and women who, in 1895, ventured inland to reach Africans untouched by the gospel. Their vision set the course of AIM for over 120 years, as a community called and sent to live and minister among Africa’s least-reached peoples. This call remains.
Our mission is to provide a holistic continuum of services for the homeless, centered in love and dignity, that foster growth, cultivate community engagement, and provide tools for lifelong change so that each person may start anew.
Aspire Together is a locally supported non-profit organization offering compassion, hope and practical help to those facing pregnancy, relationship and parenting journeys by providing services and support free of charge. They envision a culture where women and men faced with pregnancy and relationship decisions are transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered to choose abundant life for their unborn children, themselves and their families.
Barner Christian Academy of Davao City’s (BCA) primary goal is character development through the knowledge of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible. Stress is placed upon developing the God-given talents and abilities of the child through a program which is committed to maximizing the full potential of each precious child. BCA seeks to provide each child with a Christian education (Proverbs 3:5,6), development of his or her unique skills, and achievement of personal academic excellence.
Breaking Chains Christian Fellowship’s mission is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the streets of Vermont. We do this through street preaching and evangelism, relationship building, and by reaching out to the lost and most forgotten members of our society.
We bring the full Gospel of Jesus Christ to prisoners; leading to salvation, teaching them how to live in Christian community and then upon release, leading them from prison to the Christian community in society. Serving Men, Women, and families affected by incarceration since 1992.
Cru’s purpose is to support fulfilling the Great Commission by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, build them up in their faith and send them to win and build others. Cru offers spiritual guidance, resources and programs tailored to people from all cultures and in every walk of life. Cru is the name of Campus Crusade for Christ International in the U.S.
JCC is proud to support Cru missionary Michaela Yildirim, who’s engaging in university campus ministry in Boston, MA. Read Michaela’s Newsletter Update Here
At Elevation Christian Academy, our work is to upturn the trajectory of at-risk teen’s destiny by demonstrating Christ’s love, elevating them to their God-given identity, and providing a robust educational model — Teaching redemptively that gives them hope for a promising future.
Food for the Hungry (FH) seeks to end ALL forms of human poverty by going into the hard places and walking closely with the world’s most vulnerable people.
They provide life-changing resources such as clean water, medical aid, food, equal education opportunities, vocational training, disaster relief, spiritual development, and more. Their view of poverty is holistic and complex, honoring the people they serve by inviting them to contribute to the process and by entering communities with an exit plan.
Learn about Guazumita, the community JCC partners with
Heartstream Resources is a ministry serving the needs of cross-cultural workers (missionaries) around the world. Their four purposes are to provide programs of restoration and renewal for cross-cultural workers wounded or depleted in service to provide education/prevention programs, to assist mission agency leaders through education and consultation, and to research matters related to cross-cultural ministry.
Have a look at Heartstream’s free resource: the Pandemic Emotions series, which includes videos and downloadable PDFs.
For the past 40 years, it has been their mission to present the hope of the Gospel to people affected by disability through programs and outreaches around the world. They energize the church, and move people from lack of awareness to embracing people of all abilities into the fabric of worship, fellowship, and outreach. They also train and mentor people with disabilities to exercise their gifts of leadership and service in their churches and communities.
We have been involved in ministry in Paris since March 1988. For more than a decade, our primary role has been with artists and the Paris arts community.
Our goal is to care for, encourage and accompany artists both in their art and their spiritual growth.
We want to provide:
Since the formation of the Ecumenical Ministry in 1983, the local food shelf has been available for our community members in need. An average of 50 families, including many senior citizen households, or about 170 people receive food each month. The food is provided by contributions of canned goods, frozen meat, fresh garden produce, and monetary donations by people through 10 local churches, community groups and schools, and individuals and businesses in our towns. JCC and the other local churches, staff the food shelf on a volunteer and rotating basis.
Dom Corriveau serves in the Train – Develop – Care department of The Navigators, which exists to advance The Navigators’ calling by leading and partnering throughout the organization to see staff who are healthy in soul, equipped for the work, and hopeful for the future. Dom produces and facilitates Biblical Studies courses to equip and empower Navigator staff to study, interpret, and communicate the message of the Scriptures. Since these courses are conducted online, Dom is privileged to serve staff who are all over the world in this way.
Touched by Love International is a non-profit humanitarian aid organization which seeks to provide assistance for orphans, widows, and the forgotten poor across the globe. TBLI comes alongside local agencies, ministries, and individuals within vulnerable communities in order to partner with them in the name of Jesus to work toward establishing self-sustaining access to food, education, healthcare, and other necessary resources.
“Everyone deserves a Bible they can understand”
For more than 70 years, Wycliffe has helped people around the world translate the Bible into their own languages.
Our vision is for people from every language to understand the Bible and be transformed.
YWAM Mission Statement: To know God and, make Him known.
In times where a generation of people have never seemed so lost, I believe Generation Z is desperate for Jesus. I serve to see my generation come alive through the message of Jesus and carry this message to people who have never heard of Him. Through the the organization “Youth With A Mission”, I help lead discipleship training schools with the mission to see young adults launched into missional lifestyles all over the Earth. Jesus’s commission to go to the ends of the Earth for love stands today, and I believe young adults have significant role to play in finishing the Great Commission so that every nation, every tribe, every tongue, will see and know Jesus.